How We Work
Automotive Personnel, LLC is committed to finding the very best personnel for any search assignment.
Our search process includes:
- Helping prepare a “real world” job description that will act like a roadmap leading to the right candidates.
- Every search starts with our own proprietary database that we have assembled over the past 20 years. We may already have the best candidates in our file.
- Networking, leveraging our database to see “who knows who”. This is where the majority of our placements come from. We are always talking to people in your industry.
- Cold calling. There is no exception; all searches should generate new personnel to augment who we already know.
- Web search, we post on various web sites and scour the databases of other sources.
This is a very time consuming process, but there is no shortcut to quality.
Most clients come to us when:
- They need a very strong candidate (average people you can find on your own)
- Position is confidential
- Time is of the essence
- Can not find great candidates from their own efforts, i.e. ads, internal candidates, etc.
- Numerous positions (30 sales reps needed over the next 6 months)
Please keep in mind that the recruitment process is time consuming when conducted thoroughly. Our:
- large database
- extensive network
- seasoned recruitment staff
- can greatly reduce the time needed to generate candidates.